Summary of Activities 2023, Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean continues its mission to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy in the region. During 2023, goals were achieved that allowed further progress in improving interministerial, multisectoral, and multi-stakeholder cooperation, enhancing knowledge and understanding of this economic model in the territory.

In 2023, the following key activities and achievements were highlighted:

A variety of regional workshops and the Circular Economy Festival were held, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences about the circular economy and its various aspects.

Additionally, capacity building was achieved through webinars and workshops aimed at educating about sustainable practices and developing metrics for the circular economy based on regional experiences.

In terms of research and innovation, key reports were published, including the first regional “Circularity Gap Report” and the mapping of initiatives for plastic circularity. Collaborations with some partners also highlighted the importance of legislation in reducing plastic pollution.

Finally, regarding financing and investment, crucial strategies were presented focused on seven countries in the region. These strategies include important recommendations for financial institutions, regulators, and policymakers to ensure the adequate mobilization of resources and effectively finance the transition to a circular economy.

These efforts demonstrate how regional cooperation can create spaces for exchange and learning, maintaining the commitment of the Coalition and its Strategic Partners to continue this collaborative work.

For more information, access the report here.