Small Island Developing States at a Crossroads: Towards Equitable Energy Access in Least-Electrified Countries.

This report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) examines the situation of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with limited access to electrification. It highlights that, while some high-income SIDS have achieved universal electrification through fossil fuels, many low-income SIDS still face serious challenges such as poverty and a lack of basic services. These SIDS have two options to achieve universal energy access: continue using fossil fuels, which would worsen current conditions, or invest in decentralized renewable energy solutions, which could offer economic, social, and environmental benefits.

Although international aid has focused on renewable energy, there is a noted trend of not prioritizing the least-electrified SIDS, hindering progress. The report also emphasizes the need for specific support in financing and capacity building to accelerate the adoption of clean energy and ensure a just energy transition. It underscores how improving access to renewable energy can benefit rural women by reducing their physical burdens and enhancing their economic opportunities.

Download the report here.