
The Latin American and Caribbean Circular Economy Coalition aims to provide a regional platform to enhance inter-ministerial, multi-sector and multi-stakeholder cooperation, increase knowledge and understanding of the circular economy, provide capacity building and assistance Technique for the development of public policies for the circular economy and sustainable consumption and production.

With the aim of ensuring inclusive and diverse participation, the Coalition will be a platform accessible to a wide range of actors, including, but not limited to:

  • Governments of the countries in the region, considering the local, state, municipal, provincial and national levels.
  • Intergovernmental and international/regional organizations.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • The academic field and research centers.
  • Private sector allies.
  • Any other relevant entity in the field of the circular economy.
  • Said participation, except for governments, will be subject to a nomination that must be reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee.

Member Benefits

Once admitted as members of the Coalition, new members will have the following benefits:

  • Website Recognition: New members will be recognized on the Coalition’s official website.
  • Support: They will receive support in the areas of knowledge that the Coalition is leading at that specific moment.
  • Access to Networks: They will have access to a wide network of actors and platforms focused on circular economy and sustainability.
  • Participation in Events: They may participate in various events, activities and working groups organized by the Coalition.
  • Access to Knowledge Resources: They will have access to the knowledge resources available through the Coalition, including studies, reports and other information materials.

join the action

The Coalition, with the aim of increasing knowledge and understanding of the circular economy and addressing priority areas to achieve its strategic objectives, dynamically establishes working groups in the areas it deems necessary. These groups are designed to focus efforts, knowledge and resources on specific topics, responding to regional priorities and needs.

Work groups

National Circular Economy Strategies

Membership Types

All Focal Points of the Regional Council of Government Experts on Sustainable Consumption and Production may be members of the Coalition (supported and responding to the mandate of the Regional Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean).

All other government representatives of the countries in the region, considering the local, state, municipal, provincial and national levels, who send a formal written notification to the Coordination, may be considered government members of the Coalition.

Non-governmental members are: NGOs, intergovernmental and international/regional organizations, academia, research centers, unions and any other relevant entity in the field of the circular economy.
Allies of the Private Sector are: companies, including MYPIMES

How to be part of the Coalition?

To join the Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean, interested organizations should carefully review the Terms of Reference.

In this document you will find the conditions, requirements, benefits, structure and operation of the Coalition, as well as the responsibilities of each member organization. Likewise, they must provide the necessary information and complete the request through the following form.